"All the parts falling off this car are of the finest British manufacture."
My Dad came from Gateshead, and bought Brit cars in Canada until the impending demise of BMC lowered the quality and Brit car supply chain was stretched beyond even his tolerance.The last BMC product he owned was an '66 Austin Westminster and the last Brit car was a 72 Cortina.
My buddy in high school had a very nackered Mk1 early '60s MG Midget (basically a Sprite without the bug-eye hood), and it fit the blender description to a T.Was great fun though! My MG used to leak through the wiper fittings so, as you sat almost horizontal under the bonnet, if there was any rain you would arrive looking as if you had wet yourself....
Still, on a warm summer evening with the hood down, nothing has come close to it for enjoyment.
Regarding classic units, I'm still to try the Pioneer A400, the Marantz PM66SE KI and the accompanying CD63SE Mkii KI. i'm worried I may be disappointed. My only "convertible" vehicle was a '73 Jeep CJ, was fun to fold down the top, take off the doors and fold down the windshield for cruising on sunny days and warm summer evenings.There are days I wish I had kept it and my old motorcycles, but then I hop on my new bikes and remember how much more time I have to ride now that I'm not spending time keeping the darn old things running.
The same "Waring blender" article noted that only dates who didn't mind getting a drip on their leg from the inevitable leak from the oil pressure gauge would be up for a second date...I asked my then fiancee (now wife of 33years) if she wanted an engagement ring or her own motorcycle... she picked the bike.No surprise she was all in for my stereo upgrades.A new system every half-century isn't much to ask!
I don't think you should be disappointed at any properly fettled vintage/classic gear, bearing in mind they are presenting the state of technology available at the time.Some call it "character"...  I still have my A400 as original owner.
Yes it is a good amp - but it has a crappy phono stage.
Use a separate phono preamp and you should be happy with it Probably need expensive one cos i try Project Tube Box S, doesn’t make a big change. Now using nad3020 phono stage and its kind of ok. I find it has more than enough bass. Very good, maybe a bit too overpowering for me. When I found the right spot for the speakers and they coupled the bass came in huge. KEF's iQ5se speakers.