Thanks again. So, I have purchased a Rega Planar 1 Plus and have connected it (correctly I think)to the Analogue In sockets on my Denon RCD-M41DAB but am getting virtually no volume through the speakers.Any ideas folks??? You need an MM pre-amp as the Denon doesn't have a phono stage just line in as I mentioned in reply #5. Apologies Gibbsy. The reason I bought a Rega Planar 1 Plus was because it has a built in phono stage pre-amp.I therefore assumed I wouldn't need a separate pre-amp. Presumably I was wrong! ?? Cheers. Are you sure the deck is a plus model, I ask as the two decks 1 and 1 plus are very different at the back. the plus seems to have a 3.5mm low voltage connection, no doubt fed by a plug top power adapter.
Just seen a rear picture of a Planer 1 were the phono cables seem to be permanently attached wereas the 1 Plus seems to have phono sockets. Rega site has poor information. Hi Andy. I'm pretty sure it's a Planar 1 Plus. The power cable has an adapter at the plug and the deck itself (and packaging/instructions) include the Planar 1 Plus logo.One thing that did occur when I removed the stylus cover was that the Carbon stylus (in its plastic mount) came out too.I've replaced it and some signal is definitely getting to the Denon amp as I'm get a very weak sound from the speakers...…..? Thanks for your help. Even on Rega own site they recommend using this along with the Planar.
CDs are so much easier. SACD is so much better.  If he has a Planer 1 Plus then he should not need a pre-amp.It is going to be something simple like alittle toggle switch Pre-amp on/off.
P.S. CD's are so much easier but I never use them.All on a server, now tend to use Spotify.
As for Vinyl, I have that and it will stay pride of place for a longtime to come.