I was just suggesting maybe try another set of speakers, I have never listen to that amp he has but i can tell you the one I had sounded amazing, if they make all their amps like my one, then he just needs to find a nice set of speakers with it. I was replying to the OPs post... or thought I was... my bad  Acoustics 3050s are maybe not the right speakers
You probably need to pay about £800 for your speakers to get the best out of that amp. You can buy second hand and pick a nice set of £800 speakers for £200 second hand stuff can still sound as good as new stuff.
You don't need to spend big bucks to get nice stuff.
I picked up a set of Tannoys m2 or m3 for £60 and they sound amazing and work perfectly with my system. I can inform you with absolute authority that Meridian will definitely NOT service/repair any G Series component (except their current G65).
Instead, I recommend talking to MrTechGuy: the only UK third-party (ex Meridian) repair agent:Mr Tech Guy, the home for all your Hi-Fi Repairs & Upgrades