Advice required, ARCAM CDS27 CDS50 Musiclife App
Hi allI am considering dipping my toe into the murky waters of streaming to my Arcam set up, and have read so many confusing reviews and specs its unreal.
I am currently using Spotify from my android phone, and laptop, to "stream" via spotify connect to a yamaha wxad10 that is hooked up to my av9 pre-amp, it utilises yamaha's Music Cast app, and works very well.
However, this was always intended to be a trial before committing to more arcam devices, but the streamers of interest to me are the CDS27 and CDS50, which use their own Arcam app known as MusicLife, but i can't seem to find a definitive answer that i will be able to use my spotify sources through this app.
Anyone got any experience of this?
thanks in advance
Shrew Well Spotify isn't in the manual for either device or mentioned on the product pages of Arcam;s site. Neither are they listed on Spotify's compatible devices page, so I'd say no. Something apparently backed up by this owner: Using Chromecast with SA20 & CDS50 As Arcam doesn’t support Spotify I was told I could use the Chromecast Audio gadget to enable me to stream from my Spotify app. I’ve tried various sockets on the back of the SA20 but although the Chromecast says it’s working and streaming music, there’s no sound. Anyone know how to set it up... Jee's that thread was painful reading! 
Hmm, it seems that Arcam has chosen some odd routes considering this streaming affair, especially when the file types are all pretty standardised these days, whats the point of excluding one media server over another i wonder?
I assumed, naively it seems,that network streamer meant that whatever was on the same network could be transmitted via the apps, from one device or other to the arcam cds, assuming compatible file types again, it didn't have to have spotify firmware built in, because spotify connect takes care of the translation interface.
I've read or heard of someone using amazon music this way, even though the arcam cds doesn't list that either.
Am i grossly mistaken? You were only meant to read the first post!
The Spotify app needs to see Connect embedded in the device in order to play to it. As for Arcam being odd, I have an SR250 with Spotify Connect but it isn't compatible with the Airable system used on the CDS. For more oddness the recently discontinued rPlay used something else again called Play-Fi that did support Spotify!
Software in general & streaming in particular aren't Arcam strengths. I'd suggest you look elsewhere. Bugger!
Looks like they dropped the ball with this one, and i hate that, because i love my arcam.
I was really hoping there was a workround to use spotify into a CDS27, as that's the last of the FMJ range products that matches the rest of my system, and i'm anal that way!
It pains me to have the yamaha streamer attached to it even though its barely visible! Could always use the Chromecast or even an Echo input. Either would be literally invisible. I wouldn't use those instead of the yamaha , the quality and sound of which i'm more than happy with.
i think its the best none arcam solution i have open to me at the moment, so if i end up going arcam streamer it looks like i'll have to shift from spotify to deezer or something i guess? Tidal or Qobuz.
Tidal has a bigger library, but the Qobuz UI is far better (imo) Any benefits of one over the other on file types and sound quality? Tidal has Tidal Masters which requires MQA spec'd hardware to play.
Both offer free 30 day trials, so you can do some a/b testing.