Same processing with AL32 as it's bigger brother. 1 on the Denon DCD-1600NE, you should be able to get it for around £800... I got the DCD-1600NE for £670 recently and as stated above it is stunning.
I also have the Cambridge CXC transport you asked about. I haven't yet compared it to the 1600NE by playing it through my 2500NE amp with the same DAC but I have compared it as a transport with my Panasonic Blu-ray and it's much better - and the comparison was using Silver 8s I've got the audiolab 6000cdt its built like a tank and operates very smooth you can't hear anything from the mechanism when playing its silent. I swapped from aRoksan Caspian m-series one CD player to the audiolab which I play through coax in to the dac in my hegel h190 the 6000cdt sounds fantastic and will play just about any CD you put in it highly recommend it. People who haven't actually listened. 