AudiobeginnerVN Publish time 28-11-2019 01:08:25

Quick question on Coaxial cable and Power Cord - Plz advise

Dear Brothers,
There is an AV show at my country tomorrow in which some brand-name cables and power cords will be offered at very good prices.(eg. audio quest cables will be discounted 50%)
Could you please advise which Power Cords and Coaxial I should buy for my system below (including tech specs and brand-name).
Amp: Roksan K3
CDP: Marantz ND8006
Speakers: Tannoy Xt8f
RCA cable: Analysis Oval One
I'm currently using coaxial cable and power cords provided by producers in the kit box.

Thanks for your support,

Timmy C Publish time 28-11-2019 01:08:26

I think I can speak for the vast majority of the members who post on here when I say don't buy anything and save your money. I'm sure by morning UK time you will get more replies saying the same.

larkone Publish time 28-11-2019 01:08:28

They will only empty your pockets - the supplied ones are fine

gibbsy Publish time 28-11-2019 01:08:29

Use the supplied power cables. The quoted performance figures of the expensive cables is just smoke and mirrors.

dannnielll Publish time 28-11-2019 01:08:30

Trying to be a little objective here ..Its difficult,but more expensive coaxial cable and connectors can be marginally better engineered. .. The connectors are machine turned whereas the very cheap ones are swaged cosmetically they more expensive are more attractive. They will also survive more insertions before the fit becomes loose.. but the difference between 1000 and 10,000 is moot, when most items are connected maybe 50 times .

Noggindoo Publish time 28-11-2019 01:08:30

Hi. How does your Tannoys Xt8f sound are they smooth and rich at low volumes or can they be harsh in the treble ? would love to know.
Also what about these power supply units that are supposed to clean the mains in etc , if you are in UK with AC current are these also smoke and mirrors I dont want to waste money on snake oil.

larkone Publish time 28-11-2019 01:08:31

They are sold to fix a problem that doesn't exist unless you have a serious problem with your local supply or installation and if that is that case it is best to fix the root cause. So yes more snake oil.

Paul7777x Publish time 28-11-2019 01:08:33

Simply use the cables and interconnects that you have.

Spending any more money is identical to giving it away.

Because there is no benefit to be gained.

dannnielll Publish time 28-11-2019 01:08:34

I was going to respond earlier to that one. The original questioneris from Vietnam, and from my observations there of6 years ago, the mains supply is pretty ropey.Now they are making great strides, but it is a very poor country and utilities are not at EU standards. So a sophisticated mains power conditioning unit might actually be appropriate. Ignore the special cables.

Paul7777x Publish time 28-11-2019 01:08:34

Isn’t the price of a proper one prohibitive though? They seem to sell here for absurd sums... sometimes (literally) thousands of pounds 
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