Advice on first Hi-Fi purchase please
Hi, I have multiple newbie questions, so apologies for the lack of knowledge.I’m (finally) looking to invest in a hifi system after years using various bluetooth speakers.
I’m planning on playing the vast majority of my music through streaming services, probably tidal.
My budget is under £1000, ideally would spend £700-£800. Planning to go and listen to a few things to make up my mind, but any (non-salesman) advice is welcome.
Questions as follows
(1) what would people recommend as a ‘starter’ hifi system in terms of singles? Buying from scratch. Speakers, amp...?
(2a) related to no (1) I’ve been researching, and looking at the following set-up
Speakers: Q Acoustics 3020i
Amp: Marantz PM6006
(2b) slightly confused whether I need a network streamer? Considering I’m playing things mostly from a phone or iPad.
(2c) Network Stereo Receiver, so something like a ...
Pioneer N30AE
Maybe obvious, but I don’t understand the difference between a network streamer and network stereo receiver? Again apologies for the lack of knowledge.
And finally
(3) is tidal premium hifi subscription (£19.99) worth it, or is it completely dependent on your set-up?
Any help is massively appreciated And a final question, does a network receiver also act as an amplifier? And if it does, do you still need a separate amp? The Marantz is a fine amp and I believe can be had for a very good price at Richer Sounds. It's capable of driving better speakers than the 3020i. In answer to your other question network receivers do come with a built in amp. With what you are describing as your needs then that may be the more sensible course to take. Apart from that I'll let others give you guidance on network receivers as I only use the little silver disc. I'm too old to change now. Hi Gibbsy, that’s great, thanks for the reply[email protected]/png/64/1f44d.png in that case maybeI don’t need the separate marantz amp if I have a network receiver with built in amp? No you will not need a separate amp, so the pm6006 can remain on the dealer's shelf. Most network receivers also have digital inputs that can be used with other equipment should you see the light and buy physical media.
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Only joking...….enjoy your kit when it comes. Sorry I can't help any further with a network receiver recommendation. Ok thanks, much appreciated. Sadly sold off / gave away my entire CD collection, big mistake which I regret. Cheers for the advice Are you open to second hand / refurbished products? The Kef LSX would seem to offer all you need. Top of your budget, but worth it nonetheless. KEF LSX Smart Active Loudspeaker Review
And check out the posh new finish... rather special.
KEF LSX ‘Soundwave edition’ by Terence Conran Simplicity, beauty and functionality are the solid foundations of good design but I always think a magic ingredient can raise the whole look or mood of a product all together. /proxy.php?image=
And there are plenty more finishes to choose from. Yep sure Ok thanks, sounds like another option. I’ll do some more research.