Need your advise on a setup upgrade
Gentlemen,I need your expert advise.
So, I'm looking to upgrade my setup:
PC Built-in sound card -> optical s/pdif -> DAC on TDA1541A (Audio best sounding DAC MARKAN non oversampling TDA1541 ⋆ -> Marantz PM 7001KI -> Audiovector m1 (For Sale: -Audiovector Mi1 Signature's) and Dali Ikon 7 (and, I'm enjoying the Audiovectors more due to more details or because the ~30m^2 room is not large enough for the floor-standing speakers, who knows  )
The budget is about £1500.
Thank you in advance! Hi,
Sorry for the Silly questionbut At your level what are you trying to improve for £1500? I mean your system is allready a killer one.
You could have a Look at the Chord Qtest 2, or at the Dali Rubicon 2. Might be in the price range.
Do you use any type of isolation, like isoacustics Gaia or the orea, if not try some you Will be amazed how they improve your sound.
Hope it helps
Filipe I agree, looks a fairly balanced system. But if you cash is burning a hole in your pocket then second hand you could update the amp with something like a Musical Fidelity M6i or Hegel H90/H160.
What do you play through the PC, flat files/YouTube/Spotify/deezer etc? And do you need any other connections?
If not then a passive preamp and a pair of manonblocks or a poweramp may also be interesting -
Tisbury preamp plus Musical Fidelity 550k supercharger or nord mc500mb one. @Filipedine - I think that the weakest element in the setup is the amplifier, so, was considering to find something used around that budget. No, I do not use any isolation and I haven't heard about the FPGA DACs - the idea sounds interesting. Are you aware about any retailers around Cambridge who could allow to test the Chord in my setup before buying it? Thanks for your advise. @Ugg10 - I play Apple Music/Tidal and I do not believe I need any other connections. Are you planning on selling the Audiovectors and keeping the Dalis? @Paul I want to keep both of them - Dalis are good for classical music, and Audiovectors for everything else  Hi @BorisP,
Always liked the MF gear and the M6SI, has suggested by Ugg10,is a good one. No experiente with Hegel, but have read they are great.
In 2nd hand you night be able to get a Simaudio Moon 600i V1 for less than 1500, it's a rock solid amp with good reviews and very consistent.
Another option is the Rega Elicit-R or its brother the Elex-r.
Also have a look ar the Roksan K3.
Regarding the chord, not shore if they will allow you to take one home but I would contact nintonics they might be able to do a sound demo
Hope it helps