Publish time 28-11-2019 01:04:31
It's an awful job but someone has to do it. 
My listening has definitely improved with the addition of a Denon DCD 2500 SACD player. I've got it hooked up to my Lehmann Linear headphone amp only and have it where I can look at the mountain and watch the top of it slowly disappearing as the rain clouds roll in. My collection of SACD titles is slowly increasing and the new Denon has breathed new life into the redbooks. It's an addictive player, just can't stop listening to it.
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:04:31
I have all my CDs downloaded onto my Mac with other digital downloads off the internet that I can stream around the house to any or all rooms.
The garden room has my Cambridge CX / MA Silver 8 system and holds my CD collection
The games room has my Cyrus 6 / MA Gold 50 system
The open plan dining kitchen has my old Pioneer A400 / Castle Chester system (as well as 5.1 AV)
But my new main listening room, which doubles as an office and bike shed has the Mac linked by USBto my Denon amp - and also SACD player and turntable (as well as 7.1.4 AV) photo below. I can't view anything from this room as it has no windows, however I can listen in complete darkness...
The bedroom, well that's private ;-)
I rarely use headphones or use streaming services