It's lightning fast, the screen is lovely, the phone clone app for set up is great and that camera... You really need to try it. The super macro mode is brilliant with the wide angle lens. Example attached.
It also charges amazingly fast, easily as fast as my one plus 5, which is saying something.
I really need to get a case for it. I. Hesitant to take it out until I do, it doesnt feel like it would take kindly to even a small drop (build quality is excellent, its just a lot of glass).
Oh and the face unlock is brilliant. I had to get my partner to try as I was suspicious at how fast it was. It works a treat.
So far I'm really impressed  SO, i had a play with a girl('s phone) at work; she has the mate 20 pro. It's bigger than i was expecting. I had an iPhone 6Sbefore my iphone X and when moving to the X i wondered why on earth did i have the brick that was the 6Sfor so long. IMO, the X is the perfect size for a phone. She was showing me some pictures from her trip to Cornwall last week and i was blown away by the pictures 
See what happens in the release/stream tomorrow  I think it also depends what other devices you have and the level of integration you expect. When I was mugged out of my iPhone X in December I went vanilla Android. And for a while I thought it was great. But then the newness wore off and I started to notice little things you take for granted. Like the way 2FA integrates on iOS, or the tap at the top to scroll up, or the difference in quality of apps like a simple currency converter or telegram or or or. Just so much slicker on iOS. And then there was contacts, I add them on my Mac and it takes ages to sync to android and requires additional software to use standard caldav and carddav protocols. Photos that don't automatically synchronise. No handoff from phone to desktop/laptop, no shared copy/paste. And I could go on and on and on.
It really misses the polish and the finer details.
So since last Sunday I'm back on an iPhone X 