Need a new provider/phone urgently!
Help please! I'm really not up to date with phones - had the same Doro 612 one for about 5 years and do like it. It's only 2G so no data.Was using Vectone's* £1/month scheme; that's now stopped and it will be £5/month - I used only about 10 - 20% of the £1.
3's PAYG looks pretty good for my useage, but I'd need 3G at least - damned nuisance as my Doro still goes a week on a charge.
Looking on 3's site, Mobile Phones - Pay Monthly & PAYG Phones - Three I'm wondering if one of the cheaper ones would be any good - an on-screen keyboard would help with texts.
*Vectone was Delight Mobile, so there might be some difficulty in getting my number back. The Xiaomi Redmi 6A is good among the cheapest 3 smartphones.
This device was the bestseller on Amazon India till weeks ago. 
Xiaomi Redmi 6A – Best Contract Deals | Three
. Ah, worth considering, especially at that price! Thank you.