Martianbuddy Publish time 27-11-2019 22:52:33

Hevc (H-265) codec

Hi, I'd like to record videos at 4k 60fps with my galaxy s10 plus using the hevc codec (H-265) to save space, but I wanted to know what issues I can have if I want to share my videos online like YouTube or Instagram, but also in general to other people.
Nowadays what compatibility issues people can have with that codec?

Atavus Publish time 27-11-2019 22:52:34

H.265 is likely to be ok for any device that copes with 4K. YouTube will transcode content in any case. No idea what Instagram do.

Martianbuddy Publish time 27-11-2019 22:52:35

Ok so you think I won't have problems with Youtube right? Anyone else?

kBm Publish time 27-11-2019 22:52:36

You can upload 4K content to Facebook as they support the older H.264, however i'm not sure if its uploads H.265, or will convert it on the fly. Its logically that it should support the newer version..

What works on Facebook will be the same for Instagram, but i think the max is 1080 as the world is not ready for watching 4K in the vertical 9:16 ratio. (Saying that, Samsung did release a TV that can be rotated to a vertical position )

Anyway, you could always convert it on the S10with the right app. 
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