Global Roaming MIFI at 4G
Hi,I am trying to find a MIFI that works around the world (including USA) that will give me a 4G connection.
Most MIFIs that I have looked at give me 4G everywhere except in the USA (where the 4G bands are different.) My iPhone happily roams to 4G wherever I go, as it copes with all 4G bands.
I have a Three contract which is setup to give me 4G everywhere but I cant find a suitable MIFI to put the sim into. My current MIFI is Huawei (E5573) and it doesnt work in the USA at all! Three could offer me a selection of MIFIs but the best of them will only give me 2G in USA, which is completely useless!
Thanks in advance
Jerry Use your iPhone in the US  And the MiFI everywhere else....Last summer the villa provided MiFi was horrendously bad and only has like 1Gb on it. I just got a local 40Gb SIM and my wife and children all connected through my phone. No need for extra devices...unless I left the villa by myself...