Scanning QR code
Have used a couple of QR code readers to attempt to scan a QR code from my monitor for a parcel return. Scan seems to work as I get something copied into my clipboard. Now I would have expected to see the QR in the same format as I scanned it ie a square with black and white bits.What I get is
Followed by 4 lines of numbers
The post office are supposedly able to scan this. Am I wasting my time going down there with it looking like this? I've never had a problem with returns, through post office/royal mail and others, where the return label, with a Box type QR, has been provided on line, for printout, or in the post. It appears to me that your app has not simply scanned, but scanned and decoded the QR code and it is the decode that is on your clipboard.I guess they'd have to type the number sequence in......
It may be low-tech, but can't you print the code (box) so the PO can scan it? Hi
Yes I can but this is supposedly the new all singing and dancing way of doing an Amazon return in so much as the customer does not need a printer. Have finally got the full code and will this afternoon see if it is okay for the Post Office.