Stolen Samsung 8+
I had my Samsung 8stolen yesterday I am a bit peeed off about it of course but I was due for a Upgrade. I have contacted O2 today and they have blocked the phone so whatever B*****D nicke will not be able to use it. What I would like to know is can I still retrieve any ofmy apps like my C/Cards Bank apps etc do Samsung keep a back up of the apps etc also photos Thanks just to add I am on Samsung cloud also Sorry to hear that your phone has been stolen. Have you tried Google's find my phone to track and delete it.It should work if the phone is on and connect to WiFi, may be you should have tried this before getting O2 to block it. Have got O2 to block I am wondering If I can retrieve my Apps From Samsung cloud All apps installed from Google Play Store will be listed under My Apps Library, so can be reinstalled from there Thanks Will give it a go It works A other big Thank you!!! Will be geting new phone Friday Was due a upgrade anyway Geting the Samsung 10but What Colour Black Green or BlueDecisions,Decisions  Sorry to hear your phone got pinched Chaz. You may also want to try and remote wipe your phone via the below:
Find, lock, or erase a lost Android device - Google Account Help
Certain criteria need to be met tho. Thanks JAy Google found it at the Local PUB:image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 it is BLOCKED now I am going to get the new Samsung 10Tomorrow anyway as my contract was upThe only problem now is which colour to get ( Not White ) So you found it using the find my phone app? And if so can’t they unblock it so you can sell it? Otherwise it’s an expensive paper weight now and you might aswell have left it at the pub otherwise! Never found it O2 locked it for me anyway Hey chaz m8 I'm really sad to hear that.
On the S10only the ceramic types seem to of fer 512 GB memory capacity. Thinking of getting one myself.