Samsung Contacts Problem
I have just lost all my contacts on my phoneI had them Backed up on Google I was told at O2 shop how to find the contacts But I have forgotten how to get them back again can anybody Advice please how can I get them back please If they're backed up with Google, can't you access them here?Sign in - Google Accounts no they seemed to have disappeared After singing in with Google on the phone? Hi chaz try going into your gmail account via a web browser to see if the contacts are there
How Do You Begin Using Gmail Contacts? Hi mateI found my contacts in back up on my Samsung Phone Still trying to work this soding thing out Will let know still learning about the apps etc on it ( I thought learning Latin was hard when I was a child :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7) Glad you found them.  Learning is good for us all OK at the time I do not think it was good besides learning Latin we where learning Esperanto What a stupid Language to learn that was do not hear about that nowadays