has xperia 10 and she really has hearing issues on both ears, she's using those hearing aid thingies but she still can use xperia 10 as any other person. So, it's not that huuuuge difference but still something worth mentioning.
While calibrated (or not) screen is not something that people will notice. Thanks for the input I did not know that. But I am still not sure it makes much difference. I am voice typing this on a oneplus 3 that I fast charge all the timeand at 3 years old the battery life is still exceptional. Most people have moved on to a new phone in that time!
when you forget to plug your charger in or want to top up before going out for the eveninga fast charger is invaluable. Imho. Well, fast charging is always there if/when you need it. This battery carethingy works with that xperia assistant, it tracks when you start/stop charging during a few days and when it recognize the pattern it kicks in (just like v-tec  ). For me, it is every night and it charges slowly until 6AM. But if I plug it any other time during the day because I need more juice it will use quick charge.
Does that really matters for battery, I don't know. But what I do know that all those different implementations from China work only with original charger and nothing else. So, unless one has the right one always in the backpack it will do very little in the airport/bus/bar/wherever...... I'm wondering what ratio is used for 4K video recording, 21:9 or 16:9? If it's 21:9 then watching on a TV creates letterboxes, but if it is 16:9 it cannot show native resolution on its own screen without cutting away from the top and bottom, or here as well you have letterboxes.