Nokia 9 PureView Review & Comments
This is one of the most attractive and elegant phones yet from Nokia and a software update has fixed the fingerprint sensor issues reported elsewhere.Read the review.
Write your own review for Nokia 9 PureView The zebra picture looks great! Do you have any more test photos? Always had Nokia before we all went touch screen.
My weakness is that after using iOS for so many years I am useless with Android now.
Nice to see Nokia making an effort and the phone looks stunning.
Would I buy one? I would like to try one out beforehand.
 Honestly they've streamlined and simplified Android so that there is little to choose between the two OSs except for the available apps.
I'm unsure about recommending the Nokia 9 as your first android phone though as ultimately it is a bit of a niche bit of kit. I changed IOS for nokia 8.
Never looked back and can't see myself spending that money on Iphone ever again. Also to add to q, how large is photo size and would you recommend it to someone who doesnt want to tinker with post processing? Bit like moving from Windows to a Mac or vice versa. We get used to the devices so much that the thinking of change sometimes daunts us as we spend so much time using them....
It's always about time. I did have a HTC, Sony and a couple of Samsungs in-between the shift to iOS.
Think the best phone I have ever owned and used and many agree is the Note 2.
That was some beast of a phone. I will pop my local phone shop in town and see if they have one.  May as well call it a Camera with a phone attached. Another "pnone" designed to fulfil the obsession with taking "good" photos so you can post them & get "likes". Gave you one, but think you completely missed point of this phone!Hi5!!!