NEWS: Samsung Galaxy S10 bug unlocks phone for anyone
Samsung has acknowledged a potentially serious problem when using the in-screen fingerprint sensor in its Galaxy S10 range of handsets.Read the news.
Write your own review for Samsung Galaxy S10 My Note 10doesn't recognise my own thumb print half the time!! Should look for a cheap screen protector then... "Samsung is recommending S10 owners use only their own approved display protectors."
I'm sure they are!It would have been a better response if they'd offered all owners a free display protector as an act of contrition, especially seeing as they seem to have so much confidence in them. Actually, they do, since the S10. My Note 10came with one factory installed.
/proxy.php?image= Are you keeping the Galaxy S10's pre-installed screen protector on? Samsung's Galaxy S10 phones come with pre-installed screen protectors. It's a nice touch, but is anyone really going to keep them on? /proxy.php?image= Fair enough - I'm not an owner so didn't know that!Perhaps I should do a bit of research next time before assuming anything!