password1 Publish time 27-11-2019 22:23:15

there is a sale on the Xiaomi uk website at the moment but there are limited limited quantities. come.with 2 year warranty. might be worth considering.

Steven Publish time 27-11-2019 22:23:16

Your pro and con list omitted to mention Apple give five to six years of iOS updates and this promotes longevity of ownership as per my original post on this thread. Good luck getting an Android exceeding an average two years of system updates 

password1 Publish time 27-11-2019 22:23:17

but the apple costs 4 to 6 times more than the Xiaomi. you can buy the latest brand higher spec new phone every 2-3 years rather than stick to an old iphone a few generations or 6-7 years old. my dad's Xiaomi is 4 years old, mine came out feb 2018 and it's still getting updates and running the latest Android.

you can also buy a pure android based phone where the updates are not dependent on the manufacturer.

serpico77 Publish time 27-11-2019 22:23:18

My daughter has decided that she definitely wants the note 8 in blue.

I am now looking for a cheap phone for my mum, this will be her first smart phone so anything reliable will be good. I mentioned the blackview A60 pro earlier in the thread, can get it for £60, any others around that price range you could recommend? Thanks

password1 Publish time 27-11-2019 22:23:19

i personally would avoid the very cheap chinese phones, if around £60 is the budget, for less than a tenner more id go for the Xiaomi 'go', no pun intended. its basic and has a small.screen (only about 5 inches) but at least you're garanteed reliability and great battery life.
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