Quick question - O2 - enabling Roaming
Hi.I just moved to O2 on a pay monthly plan.Tomorrow I am going to a European country in their 'roaming zone'.Do I need to do anything to enable roaming on my account, or will it just work?I have roaming enabled in my phone settings - is this sufficient?I have tried looking at their help pages but they are inconclusive to me, and their chat support is 'busy'.
Thanks! I'm on a sim-only monthly plan with O2.
I'm 99% certain it was added to my account automatically when they brought in the European 'roaming zone'.
If you register on MyO2 website or download the MyO2 app you can check that you've got it on your account. You should see it in the 'Bolt ons' section
https://www.avforums.com/attachments/untitled-png.1225011/ Thanks - yes that bolt-on shows - hopefully that's enough so I can call an Uber cab 