CraigofScotland Publish time 27-11-2019 21:51:47

in a shooter game, bind shoot to middle mouse movement rather than left click.
Spin away man . .faster than you can click.

I may or may not have been a douche in certain games with this 

Garrett Publish time 27-11-2019 21:51:48

I have a Corsair keyboard with G keys which I don't think they make now and have on on repeat what ever I stick in slot 1 in a game.
Ever programmed a game to automatically click combos and gone to thank some other player and accidently hit the combo button and then clicked return 

DAZ UK 74 Publish time 27-11-2019 21:51:48

Looking for a new gaming keyboard & mouse. Any advice would be really appreciated.



jackwl89 Publish time 27-11-2019 21:51:48

The most badass keyboard with the most badass name, of course, Razer Huntsman Elite. It costs a bit too much for a keyboard but I've been using it for 2 years now and I love it.

Fast reponse times, durable, blah blah.. Everything you need from a keyboard, here's a link with specs/pics: Best Gaming Keyboards of 2019: Pro-Grade Builds - Game Gavel

DAZ UK 74 Publish time 27-11-2019 21:51:48

I have been looking at that keyboard but I don't know anything about the mechanical ones. I read something yesterday which said the Razer Huntsman uses light to detect when a key is pressed so the input is instant. The cost of the keyboard did raise my eyebrows to an unnatural height though. 

I actually wouldn't mind a smaller keyboard and have been looking at the Ducky One 2 Mini, it's mechanical and I really like it's size. Ducky One2 Mini 60% RGB USB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard Red Cherry MX Switch UK Layout

For the mouse I was looking at the Glorious Model O, the reviews are really good but I cannot seem to find any in stock. Overclockers has them for pre-order.
Welcome, Model O                     – Glorious PC Gaming Race
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