Dishonored 2
Dishonored 2 looks to indeed be a thing if a shot of a press invite for E3 sent over to us is legitimate. Developing.According to the fact sheet, the Arkane Studios game is being developed using id Tech 5 and will be released in 2016.
Players will step into the shoes of a new main character who must “annihilate the outsider” in the new location of Tyvia.
The character will also have new and updated powers.
Dishonored 2 will be released on PC, PlayStation and Xbox according to the logos.
/proxy.php?image= Doom beta?  you get acess to the doom beta by buying wolfenstein We want to believe all these Dishonored 2 rumours | VG247
Not much to show as of yet, but enjoyed the first game Still need to get through the first one, argh! I really like the first game finished it a little over a week ago. Thinking about getting the DLC at the moment.
Spent 19 hours finishing it, but I did all the optional missions and explored the world. The game looks great without pushing the gpu to its limits. Need to finish the first one, but the sequel is not out for another year I suppose there's no great rush. Dishonored 2 | AVForums odd as i did a search and nothing came up
perhaps a mod can merge the threads No u.. Damn Americans ;-)