My fix my basket thread
So since I can’t remember much and I tend to lose bits of paper I’m going to put up my shopping list hereBut I also want to make sure I’m not wasting beer tokens, so what are your views? I’m open to alternatives, recommendations etc etc.
Razen 7 3700x £339
Sapphire rx5700 reference 330
Sapphire rx5700xt ref 380
Gigabyte x570 Aorus pro 260
Gigabyte x570 aorus ultra 300
Ps be nice this is my second build and I game at 1080p For just 1080p gaming I'd save the £150 and get a 3600. I'm still waiting for the 5700 AIB cards to become widely available but I've decided to go for the non-XT version. Seems like the XT is a good choice for 1440p but I'm gaming at 1080p with a 144Hz monitor. The Aorus boards are good, also have a look at the Asus Prime as it has excellent VRM temps for the money. Yep 3700x is overkill, as is the x570 I have just built a new system with the Aorus x570 pro and a 3700X, and it is leap and bounds ahead of my old i7-4770 system.Very happy with both choices.Maybe it is a bit overkill for 1080p gaming now, but in a years time, when the next gen consoles come out and consequently games become more advanced, maybe it will not be. I would like to get a 1440p monitor in the future
I got a 290 over the 290x but I’m feeling that had I got the x I would be playingfarcry 5, wildlands and watchdogs 2 without everything on stuttering console settings.
I have Asus z77 and a p67 both had boot issues I got the parts cannon out to try fix it, I got enough parts to build a htpc. I think I’ll try another brand this time plus I need more than 4 usb on the IO