Benji315 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:54

Gaming Monitor - 24 inch advice

Hi guys,

Not strictly PC gaming so apologies but thought it would be the best place to ask - I'm running a PS4 Pro and xbox one X.

Any recommendations? I don't want to go bigger than 24 inches really in an ideal world.


sykotik Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:55

Why a monitor and not a tv ?

if it has to be a monitor , try and get one with freesync ( the xbox one x ) now supports freesync so you could might as well take advantage of it with a monitor
The best FreeSync monitors for your Xbox One

toget the best of then both ( ps4 and xbox )a 4k one will help too ,
but not all monitors have two HDMI inputs so you may ( don't hold me to it ) have to keep changing cables over ....

if i get chance later i'll have a look around and see what's out there ,
do you have a budget ? i think you will be looking at a good few hundred quid tho ..

Benji315 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:34:56

I’ve got a TV already and wanted something that’s easy enough to just up and move about if needs be, it’s mainly so I can game in the same room rather than go up and use the bedroom tv!

Budget is probably 250-300, I don’t mind going up to 27” but wouldn’t want to waste the cash, EG have a nice one for £210 currently but I’m worried about the quality, the Samsung hg70 also looks nice but the price seems a bit steep even on eBay used.

Appreciate the help  trying to buy in the next day or so as eBay have a 10% off code too!
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