Biggest waste of money Steam games (by hours played)
Just having a look through my Steam games as I'm looking for something new to play and noticed a few games that I completely wasted my money on.Here's a few of the ones where I pretty much threw the money down the drain.
Hitman Absolution - 1.3 hours
Sniper Elite 3 - 1.4 hours
Assassins Creed 3 - 2.8 hours
Rage - 3.8 hours
Call of Duty - Advanced Warfare - 9.2 hours
Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 3 - 9.2 hours
Civilization: Beyond Earth - 9.6 hours
Post yours!  About 80% of my library. Zumas Revenge - 14 hours  Well...
Fallout: New Vegas 58 hours
Mass Effect 58 hours
Mass Effect 2 51 hours
Maybe a dozen games played between 5 and 50 hours
A vast jungle of Steam sale purchases - unplayed or played just a few minutes. And by "vast jungle" I mean that I appear to have somehow collected 174 games in my Steam account (representative example: Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle purchased for 0,39€ in 2013 - never played)//
Biggest waste by money spent probably Skyrim: paid 24€, have played 55 minutes so far. Hey, I just got bored during the tutorial, stopped for the night, and never returned. Plenty at zero, which I'm sure isn't unique, but also plenty at a few hours, but given I like story driven games I can quite happily get value out of a game that isn't long, but I've completed..
Edit: I also buy games stupidly cheap, either through steam sales or humble bundles, so I never feel like I've fully wasted money, especially as I do try and visit the back catalogue now and then.. GTA V. Played about 1.5 hours, got bored, and never fired it up again other than to run benchmarks. My list is shocking. Just installing a few games I've barely or never played on steam. Lots here I never knew I had as well lol. I personally am very proud of the hundreds of games in my various libraries that I'll never ever install, let alone play. It's like a badge of honour  434 games and 324 DLC owned.
Highest played game (on Steam) Dota2. Which is free.
// Mine is quite bad too, only got 4 games above 50hrs and under 15 games over 20hrs played. (290 games)