Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:49
Really enjoying this, alot of the same Borderlands stuff you know but even better than before.
Playing Flak as first playthrough and I'm liking him.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:49
I've been playing on and off most of the day (working *cough* from home *cough*) and had a good session tonight. IMO it's like a super improved BL2 (although presequel was great fun after the first few hours). Visually it's great and it creates a much better atmosphere. UI is greatly improved over BL2 not brilliant but a lot better. Battles are great fun, more physics, grenades can send people flying. I've not got that far into the story as I've been doing all the side quests first but it's a whole load of new worlds to explore. You can fast travel from anywhere which is handy too. Moxxi is also more inappropriately dressed than Bl2 too which caused some discussion with Mrs Turps!
What's impressed me most is that I can play on ultra settings at 1080p on a modest system. I can launch it from Steam as a non-steam game and it launches the epic launcher minimised. @ruffagetip above works a treat too to get playing quick.
Well worth the money so far.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:49
I didn't get much opportunity to play yesterday but have put a few hours in this morning.
It is basically BL2 with some really neat QoL features. If you liked BL2 you are likely going to like this. If you didn't then I don't think this one is going to change your mind. Same type of humour, gameplay and questing.
I had one CTD yesterday which brought up a nice little crash reporting app. Since the BL3 update sometime yesterday I haven't crashed since. Playing at 4k, ultra settings. Game seems smooth for the most part and really no issues to report.
Also playing Flak. He seems pretty cool and you can stack quite a lot of health regen if you need to which I found made some of the early boss fights a bit easier. I doubt you will need it on a properly geared character but for leveling it feels pretty nice.
If anybody is thinking about going for the Deluxe edition then I'm not totally sure it's worth it. A lot of the XP / Loot bonus stuff stops after level 10 and there is a lot of cosmetics in the game to unlock that I don't think you are really missing out on not having the ones in the deluxe version. The Super Deluxe version with the DLC's might be worth it for the DLC packs to come and then you get the deluxe stuff too almost for free in my mind. I guess it will depend on season pass pricing.
If you were on the fence about getting it I think you can feel pretty safe buying it and not expecting to encounter major issues. Overall a solid Borderlands game so far for me at least. 
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:49
Really enjoying it so far, doing a multiplayer play through with mates and a separate of my own. Playing it at 2k and ultra settings and its running smooth as butter i've not had any crashes yet but then i'm not playing in DX12, are you playing in DX12@DrHarvey12?
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:49
OMG, so jealous! Been spending the last 2 hours watching vids and reading reviews.
I had the day off yesterday, but work was manic (and will be manic for the next 3 weeks) so I cancelled it. I've travelled to see the missus this weekend so no access to my gaming PC. SadPanda.
I might be able to sneak a days or two's leave in the next 2 weeks, then hopefully I can properly immersed!
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:50
Seems I can only play at High with my GTX1080 as I'm running at 3440x1440.The game fills the screen, but cut scenes are chopped badly down the sides, not equal black bars either.A bit odd:
There's also great support for RGB keyboards too, with the colours changing depending on what's happening.E.g when you die and you're going through the wormhole thing, my keybaord goes all twinkly.Which is nice.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:50
4K Ultra, minus AA. Gets me 55-60 FPS which is enough from the sofa. That’s DX11 though as everyone says to avoid DX12 for the moment.
Haven’t had a CTD but the game froze up and I had to sign out and back in then restart the game. Just once so far but then I’ve only put in a couple of hours so far.
Looking good so far though. //
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:50
Just like to echo DrHarvey here, anybody looking to buy, get either the bog standard edition and buy season pass/dlc later on or get the super deluxe edition(one with season pass) the non-super deluxe has real no benefit other than paying extra for some weak skins.
Our Year
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:50
can you still activate ru keys via vpn ?
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:28:51
I've noticed when playing division 2 my mat and mouse change colour but I've a white only keyboard. Is yours Corsair? I might be tempted to upgrade now just for the show!
Oh and I've not got BL3 yet, was waiting to see how the launch went as I'll not get a pre-order on a game ever again. Think it's now safe to open my wallet!