ohh_danielson Publish time 27-11-2019 04:13:07

I was really tempted, but it just isn't fallout. I spent a lot of the weekend watching people views on the beta, and it has put me off even more.

The gun play sounds horrendous, and since it is basically a MMO, you will be battling it out with other players quite a bit, so thats a big issue.
But the main issue is no NPC's, it just wont feel like Fallout... It looks like a audio tape simulator in some of the videos. I will keep an eye on it but I doubt I will be buying it.

aslird Publish time 27-11-2019 04:13:08

Bethesda have messed up and apparently the game is now live for PC players everywhere.

Our Year Publish time 27-11-2019 04:13:09

haha awesome    im dling it now

Our Year Publish time 27-11-2019 04:13:10

yeah its working lol

ohh_danielson Publish time 27-11-2019 04:13:12

Post your thoughts when you can guys 

Hawklord Publish time 27-11-2019 04:13:13

I have watched streams of this and I'm not feeling it unfortunately. The game and engine look so dated now compared to recent games. If the game play mechanics had changed over the years and they weren't just repeating the same game only on a larger scale I might be interest more.

I have been spoilt this year with games like God of war & RDR2 looking at this game just hurts my eyes and I can't get over that.

I read recently that the next Elder scrolls game is still using the same engine as this too so I'm not holding up much hope for that either now. I used to be such a fan of these games but they seem to not have progressed any in the last 5 years. 

drinkturps Publish time 27-11-2019 04:13:14

I love this franchise too but I'm not feeling the love in the reviews and streams I've been watching either. An empty, buggy, fallout world without a pause button. Boring seems to be a theme too, PvP and Co-op appears underwhelming and it seems pretty easy to kill monsters. I'll keep an eye on it but I'm going to hold fire until it gets more love.

CraigofScotland Publish time 27-11-2019 04:13:15

Ill pick it up in a sale that it will undoubtedly need to have after xmas.

ohh_danielson Publish time 27-11-2019 04:13:16

Sure I seen this on HUKD for about £27, even so, I will be skipping, too many good games out to justify spending money on this, when it isn't really the game I wanted.

drinkturps Publish time 27-11-2019 04:13:17

I've carried on watching streamers and despite it's flaws I've decided to take the plunge.   CD Keys have this 66% off which is more inline with what I am prepared to pay for with a new release bugged/flawed game so I picked it up for £18.69.

If this still floats your boat you'll just need to activate your key via the bethesda launcher. Mine activated and the game is downloading. Probably won't get to play it tonight but hope to test tomorrow.
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