nero0410 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:07:00


One of the first you come across.

Think.... Ghostbusters 3, but as a game.

It's probably about one of the only game's made with a film license that I really enjoy.... that is unless you count the Batman Arkham series and anything film related that has the word 'Lego' in the title ofcourse  Can't do without me lego games 


ODB_69 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:07:00

Managed to install both ok in the end, had a few issues with Riddick but after some googling turns out you need to install a specific driver so all good.

Ghostbusters was a pain, so ended up removing it altogether and redone loading which seemed to do the trick

Now I just need to get Driver sorted I bought a few weeks back. Finally managed to install the thing after an error I kept getting by sorting compatibility mode. Then upon installing it downloaded an update and now I'm getting the same damn message that stopped me installing in the first place even in compatibility mode. Grrrr

aslird Publish time 27-11-2019 04:07:00

Torchlight 1 free for 48 hours on - Torchlight for download $0.00 -

Also, their summer sale has started, many bargains to be had, drm free (such as 80% off the D&D anthology) -

Weehamish Publish time 27-11-2019 04:07:01

Yeah GOG is still steep though some of the games are ancient and still have stupid prices :\

WildeKarde Publish time 27-11-2019 04:07:01

Noticed have system shock 2 @ $4.99 so might get that but wary the steam sale might be doing it as well.

Weehamish Publish time 27-11-2019 04:07:01

My steam games are on my 250gb SSD so i like other sites like gog to put them games on my HDD lol. But GOG is not linked to steam so u can share with family, better get on GOG it wont get any cheaper then $5 remember steam is in £ for us!!

aslird Publish time 27-11-2019 04:07:02

Not 100% sure on how long the sale is on for, but GoG will be doing 2 titles a day at up to 80% off - it could be worth waiting like we do on steam sales to see if the game you want will go to 75% off.

Edit - finishes 5th July

mrbobc Publish time 27-11-2019 04:07:02

GMG doing a ubisoft sale.

including splinter cell and ghost recon games.

not got future soldier yet, is it worth £4.99 or has it been cheaper elsewhere?

ODB_69 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:07:02

£4 if you use the code

NooBish AbbZ 92 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:07:03

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit £1 on Origin for today only.
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