Publish time 27-11-2019 03:18:05
if i bought this game (like OP ive never touched it before) could i just play it for the collecting aspect, like will they be hiding as you walk around? or do you have to win some in battle? as pathetic as it sounds that appeals to me more than any levelling up and battles!
Daft Ada
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:18:06
You need to battle people to progress through the world and therefore get access to new areas and new pokemon. Once you've beaten the game, however, you can pretty much just run around collecting monsters till your heart's content 
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:18:07
how many pokemon are there in the game to collect? would this game be the 'best' game to buy? i would play it with my 6 year old son too
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:18:08
Ok, looks like I'm in a battle and all 6 of my current pokemon could lose. What happens should that happen?
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:18:09
One of the reasons, I bought it was so I could use the future Pokeman Bank service and pass on my Pokemon to my kids! (when I have some)
I am doing a blind playthrough, and slowly getting to grips with it.
Daft Ada
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:18:10
There's about 750 pokemon so it'll take a while to find them all! There are some pretty inventive ways to evolve your monsters too, beyond just raising their level. Some need special stones used on them, some only evolve when traded, some evolve depending on the time of day or their happiness level when they level up, and there's one in the new games that evolves if you hold the 3DS upside down!
By the way, is the best resource on the web for info - you could spend days reading all the content! It might help you on your journey to collect them all 
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:18:11
thanks for informative reply. now to locate a 3ds after i was gazumped on the forums yesterday!
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:18:12
If you battle and all six of your Pokemon lose all that happens is you pay some money to the person that beat you and you are then transported to the nearest Pokemon centre where they will heal your Pokemon.
I've currently just beaten the second Gym and have caught all the catchable Pokemon in each area. Some of them such as Mawile I spent 3 hours in the glittering cave searching for 
Currently my team is as follows:
Chesnaught - lvl 40
Blaziken - lvl 42
Blastoise - lvl 41
Amaura - lvl 34
Shelgon - lvl 31
Lucario - lvl 31
I'm going to switch Aurora for Honeedge and I maybe will swap Lucario for Heracross.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:18:13
Hmm, have reached the glittering cave but not seen a gym?
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:18:14
To get the 2nd Badge?
It's on the City ahead. Follow the Bike track to the front-right when you get there.