Publish time 27-11-2019 03:12:19
This as good as Everybody's Golf Vita or a totally different game?
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:12:20
I prefer it to Everybody's Golf to be honest.All of these games play similar, but for me this just has a better feel about it.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:12:21
Its definitely on a par with EG. I'd perhaps say EG has the edge gameplay wise in terms of golf mechanics. It also has the more expansive single player but as an overall package Mario golf trumps it. Just far more content. I love them both though.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:12:22
Both good, but this (Mario) has a more addictive quality somehow, challenges are great, and plays and looks superb.May look cute but has loads of depth.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:12:23
Sunk about 35 hours into this now. Got about 90 star coins from challenge mode and just unlocked the moon coin challenges and semi pro difficulty for match play.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:12:23
I must admit that having played a few hours on this now, I'm not as bowled over by it as I was initially. The graphics are okay but, I'm finding the overall game-play a bit laborious. It's also very easy. My handicap round on the first course was -17. The tournament was -16. The second course was -14 for the tournament and the third -12..! They were all first attempts! That's as far as I am at the moment. Don't get me wrong, it isn't bad and the RPG elements are the same as they were in it's previous incarnation but, I'm finding that once I've played 18 holes, I don't want to play another straight away. The sound is a little grating as well especially after hitting a birdie or when you win a tournament and continually make the sound of a baying hippo when on the podium..
For me personally; it's not a patch on EG for a combination of reasons. Obviously EG looks better but, the main reasons I prefer EG are that the controls are much tighter and the overall game-play is more varied, challenging and slick. The courses are better as well and there is always the genuine feeling that your actions are responsible when it goes pear shaped or when you progress with another achievement. I can also quite happily sit on EG for hours at a time playing...
Maybe MG will grow on me with more play but, when it's up against a title as strong and as slick as EG, it's going to be very difficult.
Publish time 27-11-2019 03:12:24
I agree mate. The core gameplay isnt a patch on EG. Ive literally spent all my time doing the challenges on MG whereas i can happily keep replaying the courses on EG. I stuck the vita port on the ps3 last week and forgot how good it is.