C I think it's the xl I'm gonna go for, now to find me a decent deal 3DS XL all the way.
Bought an original DS when it released then upgraded to the XL the minute it hit the shelves and have never gone back. When the 3DS came out I didn't even bother with it until the XL version released. That's how much better the larger screen makes it.
No pixelation what so ever, the battery lasts the same and the screen is something like, 70% bigger. Winner all the way. Also have a look at the classifieds as there are some great second hand 3DS XL bargains listed at the moment. yeah picked up 2ds from smyths with mario land 3d, loving it but gonna get an xl as playing on it so much and will give the 2ds to my daughter Well I've just bagged myself a white XL from the classifieds, it the white mario kart bundle all boxed looks mint for £120 I should have it in a few days Recieved the 3ds today and it's great! Definitely the right choice due to the big screen... Now what games to get? I bought pilot wings and rythem thief from Argos for 12 for the two and both are good games so far, got Mario 3dland too ewhich is really good Depends what you're into and whatever that may be, you're spoilt for choice regardless.
My top games that I would recommend you go out and buy immediately are:
Super Mario 3D Land
Fire Emblem
Bravely Default
Zelda - Link between Worlds
Mario Golf
Mario Kart 7
Pokemon X/Y
Cave Story 3D
Luigi's Mansion - Dark Moon
Steamworld Dig
Nintendo Pocket Football
Art of Balance
Also, I shouldn't have to say this but do not dismiss DS games as there are thousands upon thousands of titles and some of them are utterly stellar. You made a great choice there Chattoe.I can't get enough of the 3DS XL.Pokémon Y keeps me entertained for hours (I'm in my early 40s a guilty pleasure lol) and I picked up Kirby this weekend and its fun.
My 10 year old nephew is into Minecraft and doesn't understand me wanting to play 'kids' games on the Nintendo. They grow up so quickly these days! lol
When I was a lad I had tabletop Grandstand Astro Wars, Frogger, Caveman and Donkey Kong Junior.I also had King Kong game and watch.An adaptor was a luxury and batteries were warmed by the fire. I tried the 2DS in Game this weekend.They had 1 pink console in - it looks fantastic in pink I swear!I loved it but the screen was too small. Was like going back to the DS Lite days.3DS XL all the way.Trade it in and join the big screen brigade.You won't regret it!