Who said retro gaming was dead
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/150949098281?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Wow, great collectors item but thats crazy money  Just wow........ Sure it's not a nuclear powered HDMI cable? //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/facepalm.gif You'd be gutted if the cellophane got torn in the post! Lol..Still can't believe how much it finally went for,I'm a record collector myself so I can relate to some extent the lengthsome collectors go too to obtain a rare or scarce piece but don't think I could justify that kind of money.
I guess it's not a case of how much an item is worth but how much someone is willing to pay. I've got one exactly the same as in the eBay ad! Can't believe it went for so much.
Question now is do I sell??? Does a bear poo in the woods?Is the pope catholic?You get the drift lol.
That said, on a serious note I guess it will only become more valuable the longer it's held.You could argue that if you don't need the money then may behold on to it. Yeah, think I'll just bite the bullet and go for it.
Going to get in touch with the seller from the previous one to see if the sale went through.From the look of the bidders list there were a few big bidders.
I've got a sealed copy of the red 'players choice' version too. That postage is ridiculous 