Nintendo Direct focussing on 3rd Party titles - 10am UK time
At the moment this is just in Japan, but following last week's Yokai Watch 2 special, Nintendo are hosting another Nintendo Direct highlighting 3rd Party 3DS games. Can't imagine there will be much to show off besides Final Fantasy Explorers, or the Dragon Quest X port though. FF Explorers?What's that about? It's a multiplayer-focussed Final Fantasy spin-off, akin to the Crystal Chronicles games, mixed with a bit of Monster Hunter style questing.Wiki page Cool, thanks.
When is that Nintendo Direct thingy?Did it happen already?What came out of it? Ha! Forgot to put the date in my post. It's today, and at 12pm, not 10am 
(That's UK time ) So it already happened today then?
12pm is noon there, it's almost 7am here and I'm 6 hours behind so it would almost be 1pm there. No English subs as yet... With skipping forward quite a bit it looks like there are going to be some pretty good games on the horizon.
Looked like a "Tales tactics" type game. Some kind of FF MMO. And some other stuff. Neato.
Will wait for the english dub or sub to watch the whole thing tho. Nothing new, and none of it looks likely to come out over here unfortunately. I really love the look of Tales of the World, but Namco have already said they have no plans to localise.