RisinGoat Publish time 27-11-2019 03:08:58

New Game for Wii U: A Rite from the Stars

Hi everyone!

My name is David, member of Risin' Goat, a video game studio working on A Rite from the Stars. The game is now on Kickstarter and we would love not only to have your support, but to hear your feedback about it, as we are willing to publish it for Wii U.

Therefore, please feel free to visit our project in Kickstarter and feel free to send us a message or leave a comment with your feedback, suggestions, ideas, complaints... you name it. )

A Rite from the Stars in Kickstarter:
A Rite from the Stars: A post-classic Graphic Adventure by Risin' Goat — Kickstarter

Thanks in advance for your feedback and support!

David - Risin' Goat

Daft Ada Publish time 27-11-2019 03:08:59

It's on my watch list 

Det Publish time 27-11-2019 03:09:00

And Homeland Security's watch list too.

safcalibur Publish time 27-11-2019 03:09:00

I like the look of this game but am a bit weary of kickstarter games in general.Got nothing against them but things like what happened with Project Cars really does annoy me.The wii u was one of the original plartforms that game was due out for and as such got wii u owners interested and I'm sure they received donations.Then the ps3/xbox 360 versions were dropped and it was announced for next gen and PC, and now the wii u version, the only platform it was origianlly touted for is being delayed and the others will be out before it.That sucks.

Det Publish time 27-11-2019 03:09:00

To be fair, the Wii-U is much harder to code for in comparison and it has many more limits.

safcalibur Publish time 27-11-2019 03:09:00

No doubt mate, i do get that its just that when the original platform the game was supposed to come out on gets delayed, that annoys me.The whole interest and initial hype/support/backing would have been made and generated from users of that platform and then when that gets delayed to accomodate platforms that were added afterwards, it just feels like two fingers have been stuck up at you.

By principle the funding gained and resources they have should be dedicated to that platform and others follow suit.Yes the wii u is reportedly harder to develop for but then dont start a kickstarter campaign for a game on the wii u and release other versions of it before hand.

Apologies for sounding off, not venting at anyone in particular, just the prinicple of it gets to me 

Det Publish time 27-11-2019 03:09:01

They were probably unable to get the funding needed to finish the game on the Wii-U so had to open it up to other platforms.Unfortunate, but nature of the beast.As it stands I think the PS4 has sold many more consoles than the Wii-U lifetime so PC might not have even made money if they only released on the Wii-U.

But honestly, it should have at least released first on the Wii-U.Without Nintendo funding the studio a bit though for a timed exclusive then they have no obligations to release on it first.Nintendo need to start throwing money at third party studios for rights.

safcalibur Publish time 27-11-2019 03:09:01

Another one bites the dust

Dreamfall Chapters is no longer headed to Wii U | Wii U

Don't know if Wii u was lead platform or not but it was promised on Wii u and now is not coming out for it.

Det Publish time 27-11-2019 03:09:01

They probably got a look at Wii-U's SDK tools and were like "Nope"

Honestly they should hire some fresh programming talent to make everything much smoother transitioning from PC to the Wii-U, which is what is really hurting the Wii-U and Nintendo.

safcalibur Publish time 27-11-2019 03:09:02

That would be good. Also I read somewhere a while back (for the life of me can't find the article now) that apart from their own development teams Nintendo are notoriously bad at providing tech support for third party devs and that some third parties were just given a Wii u dev kit with little to no support on how to code for it and had to figure it out themselves.
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