Phoenix Wright - Dual Destinies
Released on the E-Shop and is out now for £19.99Loved the previous ones and have picked this up. Will start it once I've completed Tales of the Abyss...
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies Trailer - YouTube Can't believe no ones played these series of games or is picking this up.... My wife loves them and has played them all.
The plan is to download it on Christmas Eve, unknown to her, and surprise her with it as one of her presents. Downloaded the demo and pleased to see it still has that magic Phoenix-ness about it. Once I get around to buying a bigger SD card I'll pick this up. Shame it didn't get a retail release. Same as you, Daft Ada, I'll be picking this straight up once I get myself a bigger SD card. I own all of the Phoenix Wright games and have completed them countless times. I played the demo to this one a couple of weeks back and fell in love with it. The cutscenes are awesome! Looking forward to playing this one. this is currenty £13.99 on the eShop  Bought it! I've bought this. It's an awesome game! I've heard that the 3DS will be having the Ace Attorney trilogy coming out and it'll have smoother graphics and will be in 3D. Sounds amazing. It's being made for Japan but I'm not sure about it being released here. Fingers crossed it will! I picked this up a few months ago when it was on offer on the eShop, and just started playing it last week. Very impressed so far - the new 3D visual are great. I didn't think they could match the awesome 2D character designs and animation form the DS games but Capcom have outdone themselves in that regard. The gameplay hasn't changed much - still the same routine of searching for objects/facts to highlight inconsistencies in dodgy testimonies - but, for me, the story/characters were the main reason for playing all the other games in the series, and Dual Destinies has been great so far (played the first two cases). Looking forward to tackling the DLC cases too. Phoenix Wright - Dual Destinies | AVForums
My original thread 
I still haven't gotten round to playing this. Will do after I've finished Bravely Default.
Can't wait to start on it as I know I'll enjoy it.