Tooms Publish time 27-11-2019 03:08:05

The fact that Super Smash Bros U was voted most wanted game makes me think the Wii U will do OK.
They need to advertise it even more. Mario Kart 8 got some consoles sold !

crabby09 Publish time 27-11-2019 03:08:06

Two musts (SSBU and Splatoon) and two maybes (Captain Toad and Yoshi)... Frankly, Wii U churns out enough "difference" to get my cash... The rest goes to my PC.


paul1979 Publish time 27-11-2019 03:08:07

They don't need one now but I would like one. A backward compatibility one. A Super Nintendo Entertainment Wii (Snew or super new).

Allow wii, wij u and new games that ea etx can program for. Make it ddr5, etc.... Smash it out!

Then sell the tab as an optial extra like xbox one. Have the non tab pack @ 399!

MooCow Publish time 27-11-2019 03:08:08

Based on EGX visit yesterday - Nintendo was very much alive and kicking!
I don't think any of the other consoles demonstrate the "round the one console" play experience that Nintendo displayed - Smash Bros looked incredible fun, as did Mario Kart multiplayer, Splatoon and Yoshi also sparked a lot interest. Certainly more appealing than the stuff Sony and Microsoft had on show, all looked and played pretty much like last years versions of everything with some minor exceptions. Nintendos line up seemed to be far from dull.
As primarily a PC gamer, the difference of the games on the Wii U platform (both coming soon and already available) is leading me to be looking for buying one 
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