Club Nintendo Points
Ive racked up 3950 club nintendo points and had a look what i can get if redeem them!Is the options always this bad?can't really see anything worth getting,plus I'm sure america get games to redeem on don't they? Sometimes we get rare accessories but they're usually in really low quantities. I just use mine to get wii points to spend on wii vc games. At the moment its pretty awful and to be fair the European store has never been the best. Ive got points on two accounts that are going to run out soon and there nothing i want. Was going to redeem them for some of the Shop points until i realised you couldn't use them on the 3DS or Wii UWasn't the last rare item the Wii SNES controller or the Mario Kart Statue? I know both weren't around very long.
The US & JAP ones get a hell of alot more stuff. They still do a bit of stuff for Europe every now & again. You just need to visit the store more often 
Japan still gets a lot of stuff, but the US doesn't get as much stuff as they used to.
Why Club Nintendo Going Digital Is a Bad Thing - Feature - Nintendo World Report
You can still use the shop points on the Wii side of the WiiU, rather than let your stars expire & go to waste. Luigi statue was boss,but how much was it??will end up getting Yoshi teddy for baby,ha! Yah, US store has CRAP every single time I've visited. Well I have 4200 points and no longer interested in getting something off there!So willing get any of the available items(Mario Kart T Shirt,Badge Set,Golf Balls to name a few)and trade for something Id prefer!So anyone after one of these and have something to trade?No longer have anything Nintendo related,Xbox One only!