addyb Publish time 27-11-2019 02:58:41

Anyone got Kokuga? It's been on the store for a while now and been close to pulling the trigger but never have.

addyb Publish time 27-11-2019 02:58:41

Bought weapon shop De omasse before. Just over £7. For those rpg lovers out there it's quite an amusing take on being the guy who makes the weapons that we all buy from shops on rpgs. Some funny feedback left on a copy of Twitter called "grindcast" well worth a look.

Daft Ada Publish time 27-11-2019 02:58:42

February 26th

Hello Kitty 3D Racing £29.99
Zombie Incident £1.99
Titan Attacks! £7.99
Best of Arcade - Tetraminos £8.99

Mystery case files Ravenhurst £4.49
Beyblade Evolution £7.99
BIT.TRIP Saga £4.49
Hakuoki: Memories of the Shinsengumi £11.99
Virtue's Last Reward £7.99
Harvest Moon Tale of two towns £8.99
Hometown Story £14.99
Super Black Bass 3D £4.49

Dazimus Publish time 27-11-2019 02:58:42

Some good sales this week:

I'm looking at:

Mighty Switch Force
Galaxy Force
Super Hang On
Space Harrier

Also Outrun when that's released.

Not sure about the Ace Attorney games. I've played them years ago and loved them. I think I'd enjoy playing them again but worried it'll all come back to me once I start playing and it won't be as fun.

Daft Ada Publish time 27-11-2019 02:58:42

March 12th

Shanghai Mahjong (Bigben Interactive) £7.19

3D Outrun (Sega, £4.49)
Latest in Sega's 3D remasters. All the original content from the arcade release, plus two new songs and 60fps. Brand-new stage select mode so you can pick up where you left off. Pick from various arcade cabinets.

Mighty Switch Force £1.34
Mighty Switch Force 2 £1.25
Shantae & the Pirate's Curse £11.99
3D Altered Beast £2.24
3D Ecco the Dolphin £2.24
3D Galaxy Force £2.24
3D Streets of Rage £2.24
3D Shinobi III £2.24
3D Super Han-on £2.24
3D Space Harrier £2.24
Real Heroes Firefighter £4.49
Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies £11.99
Phoenix Wright Trilogy £18.74

Foster Publish time 27-11-2019 02:58:42


tazmago Publish time 27-11-2019 02:58:42

Nice, I nearly bought both Mighty Switch Forces last night for over £10.   Bargin 

benny Publish time 27-11-2019 02:58:43

Already have Galaxy force2, Afterburner2 and Super hang on, (the latter being a personal fav)
But for £2.25 space harrier along with Outrun for me.
Outrun a personal favourite, similar to super hang on in design.
Cant remember how difficult Outrun was to make it to the end.

Looking forward to tomorrow.

Fatbob1080 Publish time 27-11-2019 02:58:43

So Mario vs Donkey Kong Tipping Stars is out today at £17.99 but you get codes for 3ds and wii u versions.

Does anyone know if they both have to be used on the same Nintendo account?Or will I be able to split the cost with someone as I'm only interested in the 3ds version.If that would work.Anyone want to go halfs? 

tazmago Publish time 27-11-2019 02:58:43

Why is the 3DS eShop thread not in the 3DS forum?Most of the threads in this forum are 3DS based, even though there is a seperate forum for Wii u and 3DS, with a mix of Wii U and 3DS threads .These forums are so confusing, can't they just go back to how they were please?
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