Gaming as a whole has a lot to thank this man for.
He will be truly missed. Such tragic news and gaming as a whole will miss him. NOA press site put up a recent picture of him.
/proxy.php?image= Wow. He looks so frail in that recent photo but yet very dignified. Still trying to get my head round this tragedy. Only just caught this on the news, very sad indeed and a real loss to the gaming World  RIP, great man. Pretty inspirational fella going by some of the stories I've read. I knew he was a nice guy but didn't appreciate just how much so. Gaming world worse off without him. Very sad news, one of gaming's greats taken too soon!R.I.P Iwata-san.  Nintendo has appointed Tatsumi Kimishima president.
"Kimishima, 65, most recently managing director and head of human resources, was a banker for nearly three decades before joining the Pokemon company in 2000, the start of his association with Nintendo. He also previously served as head of Nintendo's American operations." I don't know enough of him to see if it's a good or bad thing having him in charge.
Let's hope he modernises a lot of nintendos strange hold backs.