lilsneakytwo28 Publish time 27-11-2019 02:50:03

PDP SNES Classic Carrying Case now available for pre-order.

SNES Classic Edition Case available for Pre-Order - SNES Classic Edition

This is the case GameStop sent out an email about. It’s quite pricy at $29.99 but comes with 6 faceplates: Super Mario World, Super Mario Kart, Link to the Past, F-Zero, Super Metroid and Star Fox 2.

Pretty interesting, Pre-Orderable at the moment.

hippo99 Publish time 27-11-2019 02:50:04

Not much point for the UK SNES mini (AVforums being a UK website) as it won't fit in the case, as the UK SNES mini is a different shape.

...don't suppose this is your own website you have linked to in your post, is it? 

Don Rogers Tash Publish time 27-11-2019 02:50:05

First off - wadda loada pointless bollox.
Secondly - wadda loada pointless bollox.

And this is coming from someone who would usually buy pointless crap like this.

But not today though.
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