Component to HDMI
Hi, I'm looking at getting a new gaming tv, however the one I want doesn't have a component/scart inputs.Is there anything anyone's used to get round this they can recommend , I've seen a few adaptors but reviews vary.
Don't really want to consign my Wii to the cupboard just yet.
Cheers Does it not have a mini-jack legacy connector that accepts component? Many have, but not always well publicized or easy to spot. I've just looked at the specs again and I see it does actually have a component input
Thanks for your reply nevertheless and something to take on board if I change my mind on the tv Get yourself a Wii2HDMI adaptor. Usually around a tenner and work nicely. Those are what I was looking at but there were mixed reviews. Do you have one? I may get one anyway to just tidy up the cables and keep things simple Yeah I've had one for a few years now. I think there are probably a few companies making them, but it works absolutely fine. Gets a little bit warm but nothing alarming. Probably a bit late now, but another  for the adaptor from me too.
I think I may have actually written a review on this site about it somewhere? Anyway, worked flawlessly and definitely sharpened the picture somewhat compared to Component.