Goldeneye - can I play it again?
As i read today that its the 21st birthday for the classic that soaked up many hours of my teenage years - I've been reading around trying to find a way to connect my old UK N64 to my not quite as old Dell SP2008WFP monitor.I though a SCART to VGA cable might work, but ive not managed to find a confirmed answer either way.
Or maybe I need one of these -
Some of the reviews suggest it should be ok, but then it also says this- NOTE: May experience less than three second lag!
A cable wouldn't cause any lag and simpler is always better - no PSU, electronics to go wrong.
I can solder, so if cable pins need to be redone thats no problem.
Any help given would be really great. Should I maybe post this in one of the tech & gadgets sub forums? I ordered one of those HMDI converters from ebay for a fiver - will post a review when it arrives  Thanks vm - look forward to hearing how it goes. Can you share a link pls?
I think we may have one difference though, HDMI is ok on my monitor but with a HDMI to DVI converter iirc.
It was a few years back that we connected a PS3 to it. There was no audio though - so we used the optical out on the PS3 to a DAC.
How will audio work for you? Ah I see - audio works fine through HMDI as mine is going to a tv. What you’d need is an audio > 3.5mm adaptor so you could plug the audio into headphones/ a speaker maybe.
HDMI to 3 RCA CVBS Full HD Video 1080P AV Composite Converter Adapter 711005758772 | eBay A cable would only work if the standards are compatible with each other but in this case they aren't so you'll need a converter box which will inevitably add some lag.You will find scart to vga cables for sale but if you check the reviews you'll find they don't actually work.
John Turns out I ordered the wrong way round! This converts HDMI > RCA. Doh! Have ordered this one instead Composite AV CVBS 3RCA to HDMI Video Converter Adapter 720/1080p HDMI Cable FT| eBay I daresay lag won't be an issue when you see the frame rate of Goldeneye. It was a great game. Thoughts here N64 on LED HD TV
No noticeable lag but I'm not a pro by any stretch of the imagination.. Have you looked into this? UltraHDMI – RetroRGB it might be overkill for what you're after but maybe if you had a few more classics you wanted to play then it could justify it 