gingerone Publish time 27-11-2019 02:42:57

Makes a huge difference playing this on an actual snes controller.
It is a very hard game but once you get good it becomes an almost zen like experience where you just flow through the levels.
It can seem quite slow and awkward until you get really good at it.
Best 2d platformer out there in my opinion.

jwsmith Publish time 27-11-2019 02:42:57

I'm really enjoying playing this again on the mini SNES and forgotten how enjoyable 2d platforms can be.
I still remember 20years ago thinking that there was a glitch in the game or something when I completed it and the colours went funny and only in the last few months discovered that it was a feature of the season changing to autumn!

Shawndroid Publish time 27-11-2019 02:42:57

Hey Batdog, I thought you were going to say it sucked because it was too simplified. I find people are divided between SM3 and SMW. I never really played SM3 and find it too complicated. I hate the Toad houses and inventory system. In the NSMB series I just hoard everything and don't go to houses in case I need them, which I almost never do. Or at least, I just keep trying and dying instead of using them up.

It's a psychological issue with me.

Your problem is different. Where are you in the game now, months later? I got it when I was very young and it was the first game I beat. But it literally took me years and years to beat. I wouldn't be surprised if I played it from Grade 4 to Grade 8 before beating it. But that was playing very casually.

I did the 1-up farming a lot so I can die constantly in those levels. With two player we would have one person farm while the other dies on a level, and then switch. Ahh, the sweet memories of painful death!

PFMC84 Publish time 27-11-2019 02:42:58

Perhaps a lack of experience with Super Mario Bros. 3 is why people found Mario World more difficult? It was originally planned as a direct sequel and the name was Super Mario Bros. 4: Super Mario World up until a few months before release IIRC.

The leaf power-up from SMB3 was also in the game (either as well as or in place of the cape feather before Nintendo changed it). The original design of the fire flower from SMB3 was in the game as was the breakable blocks, ? blocks, Goombas and they re-used the Mario sprite from SMB3 too but upgraded to 16-bit. In fact the beta of the game is quite different to what we actually got before they changed a lot of the design to make it more unique and not look like an upgraded version of SMB3.

There are screenshots of the beta from the late 80's/early 90's here.

LuckEarthwalker Publish time 27-11-2019 02:42:58

Just save the princess  Nothing but practice

Potatoe Farmer Publish time 27-11-2019 02:42:58

I'm the exact opposite, never been overly interested or good at any Mario Kart game, but loved all the Mario platforming/sandbox games.
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