Game Awards 2016 (1st December)
Friday 2nd DecemberMain event starting at 8:30 PM ET (1.30AMGMT)
5:30 PM PT (10.30PM??? GMT) with a pre show. I'll be watching this tomorrow for sure, looks great.Hoping for some new Zelda gameplay as well . I've been trying to watch the full show and I can't find any videos that have any audio, what's up with that .
I watched some clips of the main parts and Zelda, Mass Effect, Prey and WD3 premiers all looked great.Can't agree on the Game of the year though, Naughty Dog was robbed.
Zelda looked good, but I was hoping for a look at the Switch version, and the level the Treehouse guys played was so dark and dingy, surely they could have found a better part to show than that?