Nugsson Publish time 27-11-2019 02:31:01

The game's absolutely awesome - everything I hoped for and more. The original game is in there, complete with updated graphics - I've already completed arcade mode on normal, but hard is a real step up in class.

Where the game really comes into its own is in multiplayer on Live. The lag is minimal, the addiction level maximal 

I started playing last night, had some absolutely fantastic games, and suddenly realised I'd been sat in exactly the same position for almost 3 hours. My back's killing me now!

evade Publish time 27-11-2019 02:31:01

Got to agree I'm enjoying this game , I haven't played it since my PS1 days so still a little rusty (well that's my excuse )

If anyone wants to add me to there FL I'll be up for a few online matches

SportiveUK Publish time 27-11-2019 02:31:02

I generally can't work out what the hell is going on, despite having read the "how to play" section! There I am thinking I am doing really well withy virtually no gems left on my side of the screen... and then I suddenly lose all in one go with no warning 

I have only been playing the demo but I think that's more than enough as I get brain overload extremely quickly when playing this kind of thing! 

Tejstar Publish time 27-11-2019 02:31:02

What a great version! I haven't unlocked it yet, but I've had some great fun this morning in local multiplayer. A superb conversion and one that I'll very likely be buying!

Nugsson Publish time 27-11-2019 02:31:02

I'm far from a great player, but I feel equipped to give a little bit of advice here. DON'T keep your side of the screen clear. Instead, you have to build up some huge blocks, then blow them up all at once. If you don't have any gems, you don't have any way of attacking your opponent. The game is all about racking up massive combos and knocking your opponent out with one hefty punch.
I only played the PS1 original a couple of times at a friend's house, then tried to buy it but couldn't find the game anywhere. I'm only now getting the chance to get into it fully, and I'm slowly learning the best strategies. It's quite a complex game when you take the various attack patterns of each character into account.

Nugsson Publish time 27-11-2019 02:31:02

There's a helpful strategy guide here:

Tejstar Publish time 27-11-2019 02:31:03

That's what I've been trying to do, but it's so annoying when your opponent just clears little blocks and sends some counter gems your way messing up your block building! 

Mattk84 Publish time 27-11-2019 02:31:04

played the demo and had absolutely no idea what i was meant to be doing!

Pinju Publish time 27-11-2019 02:31:05

Ditto. It was a 30 second demo! I think I've got an aversion to anything in the way of Japanese games! 

Tejstar Publish time 27-11-2019 02:31:06

Try and get a mate over and play a local multiplayer game - you've got all the time you need and as many rematches as you want! 
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