Answered Looking for a new game!
Hi All,Im looking for a new game and cannot make up my mind, I'm into first person shooter, football (soccer) and driving games. Ive already got cod, Fifa 17 and Forza horizon 3 but I want to play something different and was wondering if anyone can recommend any games. Ive already played GTA V and completed it 
thanks in advance Gears 4? I really enjoyed it and can be picked up cheap now. For FPS games then I'd recommend Doom, Wolfenstein games, Titanfall 2, and Bioshock collection.All fantastic and you can't go wrong with any of them. Ive considered Gears 4 but i havent really played gears since Gears 2 came out Thanks Tazmago, ill give them a look at now  Skyrim, elder scrolls and witcher are 3 great games that will keep you going for hours There a load of good games for the console. A lot have been mentioned but here are some of my suggestions.
FPS (Single Player / Campaign)
BioShock Collection
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection (it's a collection but Borderlands 2 is the best game out of those)
Halo 5
Titanfall 2
Wolfenstein: The New Order
FPS (Multiplayer)
Halo 5
Titanfall 2
Pro Evo
Rocket League (not football but a good arena game in which you control a few cars "kicking" a ball trying to score)
Gears of War 4
Open World/Sandbox
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Fallout 4 Can't go wrong with the above list(apart from the sports games as I know nothing about them).
May I also add as an additional genre, survival horror;
Alien Isolation
The Evil Within
Resident Evil 7
I've played the first 2 and I'm currently going through RE7, and they're all great games, IMO.
And if you like those, I also recommend
Dishonored: Definitive Edition
Dishonored 2
Prey(it's part stealth, part shooter and part survival horror) Far Crys 3 : Blood Dragon, If you havent played this game you owe it to your self.
DOOM, Just so well done and true to the orignal. Rocket league for a laugh, great fun