Publish time 27-11-2019 02:26:45
I simply don't agree with you virtual_boy.On line lag/latency is the same to the gamer at the end of the pad/mouse - I totally understand the causes and how hosting and upload influence experience.Poor netcode and badly implemented online gaming systems are not what you should be using to describe anything normal. They should not be the benchmark - even if they are becoming more common in some areas of gaming.
Well implemented games with good networking capabilty shgould mean anyone in UK with broadband plays at sub 50ms.When a lot of TVs have double that input lag I really struggle to agree with you.
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:26:46
If you think your playing games on Xbox Live with a ping under 50ms then think again, only PC gamers will get under 50ms ping in online gaming & thats down to a quality ISP that does not suffer from congestion plus PC gamers can see the host ping before connecting.
If a TV's pre processing time bothers you then just switch off all the TV's pre processing - simples 
Dinky Dragon
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:26:46
You also cant calibrate your lag using Guitar Hero.
That isnt how much your set lags, its how much YOU lag 
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:26:46
Latency is too different from input lagg, bottom line is for gaming it is recommended that you play with a set as close to 0ms as you can get. Anything over 50ms starts to become unacceptable for FPS online gaming, for single player Input lagg is'nt going to change your experience.
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:26:46
Would it not matter for something like Guitar Hero in single player where timing is crucial (in-game lag adjustment aside) though?
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:26:47
"Steveu30"could you help me plz bro,I have the lg42lw650t 3d the input lag with all the TV setings set to game mode =130ms?? The lw550t is basically the same model yes? Or do u know where I can find the input lag results for my model? Since Xbox one x Iv had issues with input lag
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:26:47
Here’s where I got the info from, in the gaming section it talks about being able to reduce the lag by sending VESA timings. It says only PC and Xbox 360 can send these but it was written in 2011 before the One came out so it’s possible the One X can also send these. You’ll have to check in the settings on the Xbox:
Edit: for some reason the url isn’t displaying correctly, you’ll need to replace the asterisk with the word hdtvtest (no spaces)
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:26:47