Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:56
will be google ads wont it though, rather than AVF themselves? majority of sites on the web do it.
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:56
probably right there dan, not seeing it on other sites though, which i just realised is because i have adblock turned on
not replying to the dwarf as he accused me of murder
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:56
I've got a huge tonne of stuff to pay off before I even think about getting Xbox one.
Doesn't mean I wont be getting one on day one though one one one.... 
Gonna pre-order mine at local Tesco's so I can be one of the saddos at midnight and then book a couple of days off work.
New Gen - New COD - Dedicated Servers (still with the ever famous 'lag' probably) I wont be able to miss it 
I only ever really buy COD and Forza nowadays so with them and Fifa (which I like anyways) I'll be set until Black Ops 3 or whatever 
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:56
Is anybody thinking of getting a ps4?
I have done absolutely no research into the two consoles to be honest and I'm questioning why I'm being loyal to the xbox.
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:56
MS have really turned it round over the last few days fella. I was humming and hawing over which to get but I'm now decided on the new Xbox. Forza 5 and Titanfall look superb and they're Xbox exclusives. No loyalty at all here, the One just has the better games for me and MS definitely appear to be the more forward looking company. Oh, and Ghosts will have dedicated servers provided by MS.
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:56
PS4 as a piece of kit looks superb, and it is ultimately more powerful than the One, but most of the launch games leave me cold. I cancelled my PS4 preorder the other day, am sticking with the One for at least the first year.
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:57
to be honest, what my mates play is the most important thing in my book and most of those are xbox and seem to be heading that way so that'll be the deciding factor. Most of my "real life" friends are all set on the ps4 for some reason.
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:57
Ok chaps, my mate tells me that Titanfall is awesome and was by far his game of the show.
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:57
wasn't that the big thing about ps3 as well? the cell processor was supposed to enable game devs to bring out games that would blow the mind and the 360 couldn't touch
they weren't available at launch as the devs needed time to figure out how to use the power of the cell.
end of life for ps3, and i still can't think ofgame that even suggested that was the case.
Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:57
Yup, and for me the best looking gane of this generation is Halo 4, not something on PS3.
However, the PS4 is different in that it's basically a mid-ish range PC. It's now becoming apparent that the One isn't the slightly less powerful PS4 clone that most were assuming and it contains a lot of custom hardware. It may make it a little more difficult to code for but as things progress, the games we see on screen will differ little between both systems. I expect One exclusives to look pretty spectacular in a year or two.