xbox one x blu ray playback
I was wondering if ayone can offer some advice, i just purchassed and new xbox one x and plugged it into my onkyo 876 and all seems fine and dandy until i atempt blu ray playback at which point the amp seems to throw a wobbly lol, i have checked all the settings to make sure it outputs in 1080p and only 5.1 dolby digital but its still doing it, all seems very oddanyone  Does the XB1X work with the receiver if plugged directly into the TV and HDMI ARC is used to route the audio to the receiver ? Totally depends on your set up, if your receiver enables HDR.
I tend to prefer direct 18gb hdmi cable direct to tv & use optical.
Totally set up dependant yes i will probably have to by pass the amp with hdmi and feed optical for audio but its not what i really wanted to do 